Dress # 1

Name Dress # 1
Status in Bearbeitung
Gestartet 24.05.2019
Fortschritte 0 %
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Notizen Newbie sewer and this is the first dress I'll make from scratch.. I probably shoild have chosen a less complicated design.. oh well.. wish me luck..


  • R T

    @Tannie. Thank you. Pics I posted are of the sample dress. Once I figure out how to fix the fit issue, I plan to make dress on a different cloth but not jersey though. I'm still a little scared to sew stretchy fabrics.

  • R T

    @Jane Riebe. I agree. The top looks cute in the picture but it doesn't seem to translate in the actual dress (although this could because I'm still new to this). Pics I posted are of a sample dress I made. I was afraid to use my final cloth on my first try. I do plan to use invisible on the final dress once I've tested the alterations on the sample dress. Hope to post final dress when I've finished it :D

  • Jane Riebe

    RT, don't be so hard on yourself. It's admirable that you selected a pattern like this for your first dress. I think part of what you may not like about the dress is the top. I've seen this dress made by others, and I personally don't understand why the top is designed the way it is. It is not flattering. I would recommend putting in an invisible zipper. They're amazingly easy to do. Give another dress a try.

  • Tannie

    Hi RT,

    I think the fabric you used is too hard or too stiff. If you want to make the dress again, I advise you to use jersey. This fabric is smooth and does not stand out.
    To make the dress a little tighter, you would first have to thread and fit all the seams within the lines.
    All in all very nice that this is your first dress.

    I wish you lots of luck!

  • R T

    sample dress done.. this is the very first dress I've ever made..

    it's kinda loose.. not sure if it's because of the ease or if its because I've lost a little bit of weight.. need to figure out how to alter this..