Lidia's Sakura blossom denim skort

Nombre Lidia's Sakura blossom denim skort
Estado finalizado
Iniciado 01/11/2018
Completado 02/11/2018
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Notas made from a remnant for denim.
Very full shorts, would consider using a drape-ier cloth (this denim did wash up nicely but looked silly when first sewn)
Sakura blossom is from eBay. I ironed it in place and then topstitched it.

A very nice pattern. My daughter it 15 and it fits her nicely.

Comentarios de los usuarios

  • Nicole Keller

    Thank you Andrea, they are still on heavy rotation.

  • Andrea Phillips

    Fantastic! This has inspired me to create these shorts for my 10 year old granddaughter.

  • Nicole Keller

    Thank you Pamyjo.

  • pamyjo2001

    Really cute - nice job.

  • Nicole Keller

    Merci, je n'ai pas fait la broderie, juste cousu dessus mais ils regardent grand et se lavent vraiment bien.

    Thank you, I didn't do the embroidery, just stitched it on but they look great and wash really well.

  • désirée boutault

    modele tres sympa et la broderie agremente vraiment