Burgundy stretch brocade maxi skirt

Name Burgundy stretch brocade maxi skirt
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 28.01.2018
Abgeschlossen 03.03.2018
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen A new departure for me: a floor length skirt.
This is made from a stretch brocade or jacquard. It really doesn't have much stretch at all.
As this pattern doesn't have instructions I'm going to record my steps in photos.
This fabric has an interesting fringe-like selvage which I used as a trim.
Things to note: the side seams are at 5/8 of an inch the back seam is at 3/8 of an inch. This is odd as the pattern calls for a zipper in the back seam, not the side seam.

I think this pattern would look great in a faux suede fabric.


  • sshelagh

    Hi Megsinstitches, I think it could easily be made into a tea length skirt. The pattern is quite straight from the hips down to the knee length. However the lovely flared area goes from the knee down and makes it easy to walk. Shortening the area above the knee might make the skirt looks strange. I would advise testing it on a toile first.
    Lekala have advised me that they will be marking the back facing so it is easier to tell the back seam.

  • MegsInStitches

    I was expecting thus to be more of a tea length. Might give it a go this weekend. Any advice?

  • sshelagh

    Thank you Tannie.

    I love wearing the skirt. But I found that it was difficult to work out the facing of the waist. There are no markings for which way up they go and which is the side seam on the back facing.

  • Tannie

    This skirt fits nicely around you and stands you well.