Lidia's Floral Dress

Name Lidia's Floral Dress
Status in Bearbeitung
Gestartet 12.09.2017
Fortschritte 90 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen A medium weight rayon, black with a pink and orange floral pattern.

I am so disappointed. The shoulder ruffles were far too firm, there was no way they would work. She could not move her arms.
I think something is a bit off there.

I scooped out the arm hole, in increments and tried it back on her. It still seemed to firm so I cut the pattern and added a wedge.

I will report back how it goes.

The dress is far more fitted then the diagram shows, but that is lovely.

We were able to salvage the dress by Liddy wearing it up, over her arms.

She says she likes it but I am so disappointed.

I will post more when it is finished


  • Nicole Keller

    Thank you Shelagh. I ended up cutting and putting in a large piece and made another, it is gorgeous.

  • sshelagh

    Hi Nicole,
    I also had to change to a bias for a couple of Lekala patterns. Fortunately it is not hard to do. Just a waste of fabric if you don't realise it needs to be on the bias to begin with. Looks nice on Liddy.

  • Nicole Keller

    Thank you Polly, for the link to the gorgeous pattern, I will ear tag that one.
    I hope to make this again with the bias flounce as it is so pretty and not too full. Liddy is so skinny, I am worried she will be 'swamped' with a too full flounce.
    I have emailed Lekala for help, I can sew quite well but not so good at pattern alterations.

    The rest of the fit is just lovely!

    Thank you


  • rosafelsenstadt

    Hi Nicole,
    indeed, the flounce pattern looks weird. I'd try to finish the dress without that piece and would add simple rectangle ruffles like in this pattern:
    Thumbs up, you'll succeed!