Lekala 2681 Jacket / Cape

Name Lekala 2681 Jacket / Cape
Status finished
Started Nov 24, 2024
Completed Nov 25, 2024
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes I have rated this pattern a 4 star, as -once finished- it is such an elegant garment!
The minus 1 star is the way one ought to finish it. Really! This does not make any sense at all…
At sewing class I had to start a project in between, as I ran out of fabric of the suit I was making. So I chose this Lekala pattern. It took me 3 hours figuring out the collar… all null’n void. Even the teacher quit after puzzling for 5 minutes! The instructions are 3 sentences. It is like the technical challenge at the ‘Best Baker contest’: nr1: Make your dough. / nr 2: …. Diddly squat!
The collar could not be added to the neckline. Even the rest does not make any sense, as -according to Lekala- the cape is not lined at all, just hemmed. Who on earth makes a hemmed collar??????
When I came home I did take a second view at all of it. When I noticed the screenshot the penny dropped. I ought to make a collar which is just hanging on the inside as a dead man on a rope… and which has no further use as part of the collar. Mumbling and fumbling I decided to throw the instructions where they belong: in the garbage bin. So decided to sail on my own.
First of all I did line the jacket/cape, as such a garment should be. Made another pattern for the collar (cutting off its excess, check the pix). I made buttonholes and buttons. Also I made use of rather thick raglan shoulderpads. I added sleeve pads, but once added I had to remove these again, as these disturbed the fluency of the sleeves.

I made this garment in wool. I do like the jacket/cape itself. It is easily wearable, and fit for all occasions.

Users Comments

  • Lisa1984

    your explanations made me giggle :) I am so impressed with how you made this work! This cape was on my wishlist and even though you made it work, I think I'm going to remove it from said list.... Bit too tricky for my liking

  • JdT

    WoW you are so resilient, I understand what you said, me too I have come across things like « sew up the corset » and « add a closure «  :)
    I love reading your text. Write always, i love your style. Question : are the sleeves sewn down in the length on their back side somehow ? Or are they hanging open in the front and on the back too?

  • Monique Rozendal

    A lovely cape. You’ve done a great job.

  • Mirja Liehunen

    Looks really nice. Thanks for the collar tip.

  • KiraTF


  • désirée boutault

    le resultat est super chouette

  • Nicole Keller

    Oh my goodness, great job!!!