2277 Fleece jacket

Nome 2277 Fleece jacket
Stato finito
Iniziato 01/feb/2023
Completato 04/feb/2023
Progresso 100 %
Riservatezza pubblico
Note The color is dark blue in both the decorative ribbon and the jacket. Appears almost black. The length of the remaining fabric ran out and the belt was a little short. I lengthened the sleeves.

Commenti degli utenti

  • Mirja Liehunen

    Thank you, lovely sewing colleagues.

  • KiraTF

    looks very good.great job Mirja!

  • désirée boutault

    La veste est superbe et a la tres confortable
    et oui moi aussi j'ai toujours un probleme de longueur de bras avec lekala

  • Jane Riebe

    Nice, Mirja! I think the pattern makers at Lekala think everyone is super short. It seems every pattern needs to be lengthened.