New project

Nombre New project
Estado finalizado
Iniciado 05/11/2022
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Notas I love how this dress came out. I made this with a scuba which had a little stretch to it. I shortened the hem. I will definitely make this again.

Comentarios de los usuarios

  • Ирина Чуйкова

    Работа неплохая, но зря вы сделали мини. Я бы вам советовала делать четко до колена. Ваша фигура бы смотрелась более выигрышно. В следующий раз попробуйте -вещь будет выглядеть более эффектно.

  • Lisa1984

    that looks amazing on you! great job!

  • KiraTF

    Can't wait to see your next version.

  • désirée boutault

    tres joli modele qui vous va tres bien

  • MsKitKat

    Thanks everyone for the positive feedback and kind words. Kira it’s a very flattering dress. It took me a minute to figure how to put it together but it worked out. I want to try it again now that I’m familiar with the pattern.

  • Jane Riebe

    Turned out great, and fits very nicely!

  • KiraTF

    it looks so good on you!!!i was eyeing this same pattern for a while and so glad you made it.It looks great and has a perfect fit

  • Mirja Liehunen

    Very nice and well done.