Dress 2242

Nome Dress 2242
Stato finito
Iniziato 23/ago/2022
Completato 23/ago/2022
Progresso 100 %
Riservatezza pubblico
Note I didn't change anything to the pattern, I just added pockets.
The fit is really great, this really is one of my favourite dresses and I have already made a second one in an other fabric.

Commenti degli utenti

  • JdT

    Beautiful dress ! Please charge the other dress too because I am curious. What about the sleeves: are they gathered or a little puff like in the drawing or are they standard ? I don’t see it well because of the busy pattern. Thank you

  • Guta

    Very good choice of fabric. Charming dress.

  • désirée boutault

    tres joli modele et tres joli tissu