Ringmaster's jacket

Nom Ringmaster's jacket
Statut complet
Début 1 oct. 2021
Complet 9 oct. 2021
Progression 100 %
Confidentialité public
Notes This pattern inspired my Halloween costume this year - because this IS my circus, AND my monkeys. Fabric is a polyester knit with moderate stretch, not an ideal weight but it was the right color and gifted to me as part of a large stash. (It's a true red, although the image on my computer tends towards shocking pink. It's not.) I interfaced the entire coat with fusible. Fit is just OK, but acceptable for what it is. If I had to do it again, I'd include a back stay and use the velvet (also a poly stretch) only in the upper collar. As it is, the velvet continues into the front facing and makes for a really thick jacket front. I omitted the pocket flaps due to laziness. Added sleeve heads along with the shoulder pads, which improved the look - a shoulder reinforcement to address collapse over the bustline would have been even better. I was very pleased with the way the classic vents on tails and sleeves turned out. Lining was a particular challenge because separate lining patterns weren't included - had to draft my lining pieces by removing the areas covered by facings, and add lengthwise ease for the back vent. This was my first time to line a classic vent - instructional videos by Sarah Alm were absolutely helpful in getting my head around the concepts, I highly recommend them.

The fingerless glove on my right hand isn't part of the costume - it's actually a brace, in place after wrist surgery last week. It's the devil itself to sew in. :) I'm also going to blame it for the weird wrinkling near the right shoulder, it doesn't do that on the hanger.

Commentaires des utilisateurs

  • Pharmgirl

    Thanks, all, for the kind words!
    Jane, the shameful secret of this jacket is that it's really only partially lined - the body is lined but I overlocked the lining at the armholes and didn't line the sleeves. I have three other costumes to make yet, and I'm short on time! But, yes... it kind of hurt my sewing perfectionist's heart to do it. Can't wait to see your Bo Peep costume!

  • désirée boutault

    tres beau travail cette veste est tres belle et vous pouvez en etre fière

  • Jane Riebe

    I forgot to mention that I am also using a Lekala pattern to make a Halloween costume: Li'l BoPeep for my niece. Will share a pic of it as soon as it's done. I'd better get started on it. We're already into the 2nd week of October

  • Jane Riebe

    That does make for the perfect ringmaster's jacket. As sewists who like to be perfectionists, it's hard to keep in mind "it's just a costume", and it doesn't have to be perfect. Being perfectionists, we also tend to point out what didn't turn out perfect just in case the observer didn't notice. I've made numerous costumes in my life, and always constructed them just like I was making a wedding dress; no shortcuts, finished seams, matching plaids. I applaud you for figuring out the lining. For a costume, I probably would have shortcut that any way I could have.

  • Newenka

    You can hit the slopes in no time, what a great job! The jacket is very nice and looks good on you...... watch out for the monkeys because you will lose your jacket :)