4961 Waterproof jacket

Nom 4961 Waterproof jacket
Statut complet
Début 13 août 2020
Complet 19 août 2020
Progression 100 %
Confidentialité public
Notes I love this fabrics colors. The fabric is three-layered and fleece on the inside which is very soft. The fabric also holds water and wind well. I added pockets because I use them a lot. Of course, I wanted to add a few details to my pockets. The lower pockets are two-pieces. The hood was not part of the original formula either.The fabric is also easy to sew with a micro-needle.

Commentaires des utilisateurs

  • Mirja Liehunen

    Thank you Jane.

  • Jane Riebe

    Very professional looking. You pay attention to every little detail. Excellent!

  • Mirja Liehunen

    Thank you Maria. Yes, I took the hood pattern from 4704 model. Due to a comfortable inside I did not put the lining at all. I wanted to keep the jacket lighter. I add the photo from it.

  • Maria

    This looks great, your addition of a hood and pockets is a practical improvement. Did you take the hood from another pattern, or just draft it yourself?
    I would love to see a photo showing the lining too!

  • Mirja Liehunen

    Than you Désirée. I ordered the patter some time ago but I wasn’t quite sure if it would suit me. The model has lowered shoulders and I have narrow shoulders. On the other hand, I like the model because it has a wide back. The fabric fits this model well.

  • désirée boutault

    J'adore dans ce modele et le choix du tissu est superbe

  • Mirja Liehunen

    Thank you Belbora. Can´t wait to use it on next week.

  • Belbora

    Excellent! love the colour and the pattern matching is pretty good too