4976 Tunic with a decorative collar

Name 4976 Tunic with a decorative collar
Status finished
Started Mar 24, 2020
Completed Mar 25, 2020
Progress 100 %
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Notes I started this shirt yesterday and finished this afternoon. The pattern was quite easy with just a couple of tricky bits to make it interesting. The instructions were a little scant and I found it a bit difficult sewing around the front of the neck. I finally had a lightbulb moment and stay stitched around the bottom of the V and slashed into the corner and it worked perfectly. The instructions didn't say to do this but it is good to think. This shirt is my muslin (experiment) but it is very wearable. When I make the pattern again i will also interface the decorative tabs on the sleeves as I had trouble with the button holes in the fine fabric. Also I will concentrate most of the gathers at the bottom third of the neckline rather than spread them evenly along the full length. I think it would look better. This shirt fits me perfectly. When I ordered the pattern I added two extra centimetres to my waist and hip measurements for a little more ease. Good move. I usually have trouble with things catching on my butt. Not this time. Also I used to hate putting in sleeves but since someone told me to stitch in the sleeves before sewing the side seams dressmaking has become much, much easier. I don't know if it is the right thing to do but it certainly works for me.
The fabric is a poly cotton (mostly poly) which will probably become uncomfortably hot in our climate but I thought it was cute. I bought it at Spotlight in Taree NSW Australia. I sewed it with thread from my late mothers sewing kit. I have no idea what it was but it seems to be hanging together. The buttons came from Mum's box of spare buttons.

Users Comments

  • fqbgwthly

    thank you for sharing this with the tips! I started it and got frustrated with the neckline and put it away. (lol). Now you've given me hope and I can pick it up again ! You did a beautiful job by the way, it looks great on you !

  • SewRusty

    Nice! Lovely color and fit! I'm so glad you posted finished pics--so many times on here there isn't a picture, and it's really nice to see how it compares to the pattern art. Plus, your explanation of the neckline just gave me an aha moment on a different Lekala pattern I'm working on that the neckline ended up being a hot mess because I didn't know what I was doing. V-necklines on knits I can do, wovens with facings, not so much.

  • Maria

    Nice blouse, thank you for sharing your useful tips - I agree about the neckline gathers, definitely better concentrated in the lower third of the V.
    My daughter has admired this, if she is lucky I may agree to make it for her...!

  • Tannie

    Thanks for the explanation because i have this pattern too. Is a nice shirt and I also put in the sleeves first and then you can topstitch the sleeve and the side seam in one go. The blouse also seems nice without sleeves nice and airy for the summer. The blouse suits you very well!

  • désirée boutault

    j'aime beaucoup