Blouse that became a dress

Nombre Blouse that became a dress
Estado finalizado
Iniciado 22/08/2021
Completado 22/08/2021
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Notas I made this dress out of the blouse pattern.all i did is lengthened the blouse in 5 cm and added 2 ruffles of 20 cm each.I didn’t add calfs,i gathered sleeves and added elastic instead.Also added a this dress.wore it few times on different occasions.
Fabric used-poplin with 3%stretch.

Comentarios de los usuarios

  • Ирина Чуйкова

    очень красиво

  • Nicole Keller

    So, so pretty

  • KiraTF

    Newenka thank you:)

  • Newenka

    Very flattering and looks good on you.

  • KiraTF

    Anne-Marie Dionne-thank you:) i do feeling happy wearing it:)

  • Anne-Marie Dionne

    This is a lovely dress for the end of summer and automn! You look so happy wearing it, especially when swirling!

  • KiraTF

    Maria - thank you:)

  • Maria

    What a good idea to add the ruffles to make a tiered skirt, great result!

  • KiraTF

    désirée boutault-je vous remercie pour vos aimables paroles

  • désirée boutault

    tres jolie robe avec de belles modifications qui sont bien pensées